Hello, my cute little bunnies,
Today's blog is about a superstitious tradition that I have carried around with me for years. Enjoy!
A new employee walked into my office, looked at me and said, "rabbit, rabbit".
What? I don't get it. What does "rabbit, rabbit" mean, I asked. She explained that on the first day of the month, you're supposed to say "rabbit, rabbit" to the first person you see in order to have good luck for the new month. For years I couldn't prove that it worked for me as I live alone so I would say "rabbit, rabbit" to my cats or dog when I woke up but would completely forget to greet the first person I saw that day. Once again, that happened today even though I kept reminding myself to say "rabbit, rabbit" to my sister, Deb, as I was driving over to her house. Drat!
Fortunately, before I left this morning, I looked into this whole "rabbit, rabbit" business and learned that if I simply say "tibbar, tibbar" tonight when I go to bed I can reverse the loss of good luck for the month. Listen to this short clip from the good folks at Wayword Radio to learn more about this https://www.waywordradio.org/rabbit-rabbit-tibbar-tibbar/ - you will have to copy and paste the link into a new tab (still learning) and then click on the episode.
Just to be on the safe side, I'm going to go put a post-it note on my pillow to remind me to say the magic words tonight. "Tibbar, tibbar."
Be kind. Stay curious.