“For today's prompt, we have our first two-for-Tuesday prompt, which means you get two prompts. You can write to one of the prompts, both the prompts separately, or try to write a poem that works with both prompts at the same time. The prompts are:
1. Write a dream poem, and/or...
2. Write a reality poem.
Whichever way you go with your poeming today, I hope your dream poem becomes a reality.” Taken from the Writer’s Digest website.

Photo Courtesy of Javardh @ Unsplash
I Dream My Reality
Each morning I set an intention of what I’d like my dream day to be.
And I express my gratitude for everything, as I quietly sip my tea.
I call on my army of angels to attend to the matters at hand
Then I sit back contentedly and think, “Ain’t my life just grand!”
Bonus Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbU3zdAgiX8
Be kind. Stay curious.
Lady Rosemary of Glencoe
Empress of All