Photo Courtesy of Arseny Togulev @ Unsplash
"For today's prompt, write a B-movie poem. Our family has a tradition of watching a B-movie every Saturday night. Some of them are kind of funny, some of them are so bad they're good, and some of them are just torture (until I inevitably fall asleep from boredom). And some of them have excellent titles like The Tingler, Kingdom of the Spiders, Teenagers From Outer Space, and The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-up Zombies.
For the purposes of this prompt, you could write a poem inspired by an actual B-movie, or you could imagine your own." This information is taken from today's prompt at Writers Digest.
I Told You I Didn’t Like To Be Bothered
Despite my repeated requests, My neighbor thinks she has at her behest My driveway.
The clatter of a ladder just before my nap made me pause I wasn’t expecting my contractors So what was the cause?
Much to my dismay, There were men working away But on my neighbor’s roof instead.
Trucks in my drive, ladders on my lawn, Forget the nap I told my yawn.
As I headed outside to deal with the matter, I stepped on a nail the workers had let scatter As it pierced through my skin, I felt a metallic change in me begin.
No longer a mouse, I was now taller than my neighbor’s house And I flexed my muscles as they turned into steel.
I told the men they couldn’t stay As I tossed their trucks and ladders a mile away And then I ripped off the roof. So easily.
Off the men ran, As my neighbor came storming out. But I stood firm, my giant arms akimbo, as I had the clout.
Much to her surprise, I grabbed her by her throat with my mechanical hand And dangled her over her now mangled house.
“Now do you understand what I mean When I say I don’t like to be bothered?” I roared at her.
Just before she fell to her death, I awoke from my nap with some rusty old breath. Stretching and yawning, I felt like I had been transformed.
Bonus Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNyU6KTpP2I
Be kind. Stay curious.
Lady Rosemary of Glencoe
Empress of All