Photo courtesy of Rustam Mussabekov @ Unsplash
"How we hold the simplest of our tasks speaks loudly about how we hold life itself."-Gunilla Norris, Being Home
The first thing I noticed this morning after getting out of bed was that it was time to change the litter box. We’re still staying at the hotel so I have been using disposable boxes that last about two weeks before the bottom starts to disintegrate. I promised Tanny I would get to it after breakfast and my hands had loosened up a little. Sitting with my hands wrapped around a warm cuppa while I wait for the pain meds to kick in usually does the trick.
Gunilla’s quote came to mind as I find I am most effective at performing the mundane tasks of daily life when I take a Zen approach to them. By being present, by attending to the task at hand fully focused on that alone, I become lighter and I find the joy in it. As my hands do the work, I find my heart connects with God’s heart and I am humbled and grateful. What started out as a task has become an act of love.
Which approach will you choose today?
Bonus Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baNueuDCue0
Be kind. Stay curious.
Empress of All