"For today’s prompt, write a future poem. The future is a never ending well of worry for some. Others harbor a great deal of optimism. Still others see a mixture of awesome flying cars and terrifying robot overlords. Regardless of your outlook, I hope there’s a poem in your very near future." - prompt taken from the Writers Digest website.
“When All This Is Over”
When all this is over,
I’m going back to Seven Falls.
I’ll stay at the Broadmoor and lunch at Restaurant 1858
just like I did before.
The only difference is
this time
you’re coming with me
We’ll take the open-air trolley to the entrance
through the quiet, ancient forest of spruce, juniper, and pine.
Peacefulness and calm will seep into our bodies
as hummingbirds go about their business.
Bare light bulbs in cages
dangling from the ceiling
will guide us down a dank, muddy tunnel,
cut years ago through weeping rock walls.
Their tears still puddle on the concrete floor.
At the end of the tunnel,
a massive steel door,
rusty and stubborn,
barely creaks open to let us on a suspect elevator
once used by other hikers braver than we.
Your eyes ask mine, “Is this thing going to make it?”
But it does and delivers us
to a canyon overlook
with strains of Pat Metheny’s music floating in the air.
When all this is over, I’m going back to Seven Falls
and you’re coming with me.
Bonus song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VwPYlQLtnI
Bonus link to the Broadmoor and Seven Falls: https://www.broadmoor.com/broadmoor-adventures/seven-falls/ Note: the picture of the falls above the poem is not Seven Falls
Be kind. Stay curious.