Photo courtesy of abi ismail @ Unsplash
"We’ve made it through from the beginning of the month to the end (and some have been here an extra 10 days on top of that). And for that, I am thankful. Here’s to another day, another month, and another year of poeming together!"
"For today’s prompt, write a praise poem. Praise your health or the taste of chocolate cake. Pen an ode to normalcy (whatever that is) or expound on the wonders of your favorite pen (for me, it’s either the Pilot G-2 or Pilot Precise V5). Have a favorite song? A favorite saying? Today is a perfect day to sing its praises." - text and prompt taken from the Writers Digest website.
“In Praise of All Poets”
I praise the poets
who showed up for thirty days
and those who didn’t.
Bonus Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s6VbOEnsgk
Be kind. Stay curious.
Empress of All