"For today's prompt, write an evening poem. The evening can be a quiet and contemplative time, a stressed or fearful time, or, well, party time. Evenings can be lonely or romantic, cool or humid, inspirational or numbing. And today (or tonight, depending on when you consume your poetry prompts), evening is the time for poeming--even if you're doing it in the middle of the afternoon." Prompt taken from Writers Digest webpage

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Thomas @ Unsplash
Evening Ether
“Let’s finish off our day now, shall we?” the Evening quietly asks
“You turn off the devices and I’ll take care of the sun.”
“Let’s put on some lamps and sit at the table by the window.”
“Oh look, there’s the moon!”
The logs in the fireplace crackle away and supper is almost ready.
Everything smells so good. And, yes, there will be pie for dessert.
The cat yawns and gives one more luxurious stretch before settling in for the night.
Their tummies full, the little ones are ever so sleepy. They brush their teeth and get ready for bed.
As the parents begin their nightly chorus: ”Pleasant dreams, my darlings.” “Good night, God bless,”
Mother Nature takes her cue and gently tucks the world in with a dark and cozy, star-lit blanket.
Bonus Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2f6Mi7I5lY
Be kind. Stay curious.
Lady Rosemary of Glencoe
Empress of All