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PAD #28 (1 of 2) - April 2020 Poem-A-Day Challenge

Photo courtesy of Emma Paillex @ Unsplash

"Here we are: The final “Two-for-Tuesday” day today. And after today, only two more prompts to go."

"For today’s prompt:

1. Write a look back poem and/or…

2. Write a don’t look back poem. Because some folks just want to keep their eyes on the road ahead." - text and prompt taken from the Writers Digest website.


When I look back

I hope I can say

I’m proud of how I acted

Each and every day.

When I was at home

My pets got fed

I wrote poems, I was nice

Then I went back to bed.

But my outside forays

were not so much fun.

I wanted to swear

I wanted to shun.

Stay back, where’s your mask?

Then I realized my task

was to look forward to see

how I wanted to be

when I looked back.

Be kind. Stay curious.



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