"After today’s poem, we’ll be only three days from the finish line for this year’s challenge. Let’s poem on!"
"For today’s prompt, write a massive poem. The poem itself could be massive in size and length. Or it could take on a massive problem, describe a supermassive black hole, or praise a massive bowl of ice cream covered in chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Whatever you write, I hope it’s a massive success." - text and prompt taken from the Writers Digest website.
“A Massive Trend in Baking”
Flour, yeast, and salt will do
perhaps I’ll use some sugar too.
Muffins, cakes, cookies, pie,
try the tarts and bread, oh my!
As I pick at the crumbs on my empty plate,
I begin to wonder, how’s my weight?
While all these were yummy, I must say,
I wonder what the heck I weigh.
I stepped on the scale which was not passive,
It quickly displayed a number quite massive.
I checked it again and the number didn’t budge.
Oh well, I thought, did I make any fudge?
Bonus Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0KXV0gB0dw
Be kind. Stay curious.