"For today’s prompt, write a remix poem. That is, take one (or more) of your poems from earlier this month and remix it. Make a free verse poem into a villanelle. Or condense a sestina into a haiku or senryu. Or forget form. Just completely jumble up the words…or respond to the original poem(s). As always, have fun with it" - prompt taken from the Writers Digest website.
“An April Patchwork”
(A Cento from my April postings)
What she wished for herself, she wished for him.
Just a moment to herself was all she asked.
He kept at it
and he never once gave up on hope.
as hummingbirds went about their business.
She failed to disclose
with her haunting melody
that the moments she loved most
were the moments she spent with him.
She had planned on doing so many things.
Something had to change because
there were no rules.
He was her drug of choice.
Side effects included mad crazy love
And hearts that beat faster.
“It’s a perk,” he once said.
Music carried their dreams.
Her heart smiled.
Bonus song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDPQCgV2ZnI
Be kind. Stay curious.