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PAD #18 - April 2020 Poem-A-Day Challenge

Photo courtesy of Seth Doyle @ Unsplash

"After today’s poem, we’ll be 60 percent of the way through this challenge. If you’ve made it this far, you’ve got a better than 60 percent chance of making it to the finish line. In my case, I know not every day has been pretty, but I’ve got up and poemed—and that alone is something. So let’s keep at it."

"For today’s prompt, write a message poem. You can decide the medium: Message in a bottle, postcard, or voice mail. Of course, there are text messages, telegrams, and letters. My wife loves to leave me messages on Post-It notes (and I love to find them). So write a message in a poem today!" - text and prompt taken from Writers Digest website.

Gram’s House

18 April 2020

Dear Sean,

It was so nice to talk with you yesterday. I am so proud of you and how you are living your life. You’re my own Renaissance man and, in fact, that is the title of the poem I wrote about you. I chose the poetic form called Magic 9 or abacadaba. Here it is:

“Renaissance Man”

Lego blocks, math club and 5th grade plays

You make sure you try it all

You’re into cooking, coding, and backwards days

Playing chess, violin, basketball, and the sax

You’ve worked on cars in mechanics’ bays

The Board of Ed invited you to share your views

Curiosity visits and knowledge stays

You’ve played the piano at Carnegie Hall

You stay engaged in so many ways.

You’ve done all this, Sean, and so much more, in your first decade on earth. What are you going to do when you turn eleven? You are amazing!!!



PS This is a lovegram, rather than a telegram. Get it?

Be kind. Stay curious.



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