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PAD #14 - April 2020 Poem-A-Day Challenge

"We’re two weeks into the challenge now, and our second “Two-for-Tuesday” prompt falls on the 14th, which gets me thinking about sonnets.

For today’s prompt:

1. Write a form poem (here are 100 poetic forms to choose from) and/or…

2. Write an anti-form poem. I get it; some people don’t like forms.

If you feel like a form doesn’t quite give you direction for today’s prompt, write a poem about something with structure or form, or write a poem about chaos." - prompt taken from the Writers Digest website. You can look up the two forms I chose in the above link to figure them out. Stay curious, I say.

“Time To Say Goodbye”


My special cup for tea

Your coffee mug

Have served us well.

Of course, I have to wash them

Unless you’re home alone.


Even though I love you

Given that you think I’m the maid

Except when we’re asleep

Take your dirty coffee mug

Out of here

Unless you intend

To change.

“Another Lost Day”


Today I had planned on doing so many things

But my hands are in too much pain to cooperate

I’m going to have to take more drugs.

You can see how swollen they’ve become.

How will I be able to make those palmiers?

Today I had planned on doing so many things.

I could sit around all day and binge on Netflix.

I usually make myself knit something while bingeing

But my hands are in too much pain to cooperate

I had hoped this time I would be able to taper off

But my hands are useless and hurt so much

I’m going to have to take more drugs.

Be kind. Stay curious.



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