Photo courtesy of twinsfisch @ Unsplash
I am so grateful for all that I have. I am safe in my home. I have pets to hug. I have food and medicine, a comfortable bed, a fenced-in yard where I can sit in the fresh air without a mask and soak up some sun. Since I’m retired, I have a fixed income so no worries about whether or not I’ll be able to pay my bills. Most importantly, my family and friends are safe and well and although we are apart we are alive and have each other. I am so grateful for all that I have.
My tears start to flow when I turn on the news. I hear the numbers of the latest cases of those who have fallen ill or have died as a consequence of this virus and my eyes well up. My tears start to fall as I see the lines of people waiting for food donations. My tears lead to sobs as I listen to the latest reports on unemployment and I imagine the anguish of these people, my fellow citizens. I cry tears of despair when I see our elected officials deliberately withhold or manufacture the truth about the severity of this virus with no regard for the consequences of their actions. My tears start to flow when I turn on the news.
I pray for God’s mercy and guidance. I pray that others will find the peace that I have. I pray that the world is somehow healing itself through all of this. I pray that we, as a people, will come out better and kinder than we were before. I pray for individuals and I pray for all. I pray for the animals. I pray for our local and national leaders and I pray that the next elections will bring us the right people to lead us as we re-build our lives. I pray for the first responders, the teachers, the folks at the supermarkets, the mail carriers, the delivery drivers. I pray for my family, my friends, and my neighbors. I pray for the souls who have passed. I pray for love and peace and hope and happiness. I pray for God’s mercy and guidance.
Bonus Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcfGSJB1YvQ
Be kind. Stay curious.
Empress of All